Friday, September 08, 2006

Reading is Sexy!

Whitney Matheson over on PopCandy has a great post today about cool T-shirts that don't cheat the artist. One of the T-shirts she mentions is the "Reading is Sexy" T-shirt she got from Buy Olympia, designed by Sarah Utter. Apparently, it was "made famous" on the Gilmore Girls at some point.

This may have to become my new favorite T-shirt. Until now, it was the slightly dictator-like "Good Grammar Costs Nothing!" shirt I got from Television Without Pity. So, so true.

For my knitting friends, Sarah has also designed a T-shirt that reads "Knitting is Knotty." The T-shirts come in a limited amount of styles and sizes.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Love this shirt and the good grammar costs nothing shirt! I see myself owning both in the near future :)