Monday, November 13, 2006

The Moonstone

I know many book bloggers chose The Moonstone for the RIP Challenge, and many others mentioned wanting to read it. I can't recommend it highly enough. I finished it this morning (as I waited for a headache to subside so I could go to work). It's simply just a great mystery -- but it also has wonderful characters and often made me smile or laugh out loud. I particularly liked the technique of several different characters narrating different parts of the story -- and occasionally commenting on what other characters said or did. Add this to your TBR pile today!


Anonymous said...

I read this, this summer and agree whole heartedly with you! I love Wilkie Collins and plan on reading more next year. If you haven't already read The Woman in White--I even liked it better than the Moonstone!

Unknown said...

Yay -- another excuse to buy a book! I wasn't sure if I had The Woman in White -- it was so cool to check my library from my office using LibraryThing. I will definitely add this to my wish list -- thanks!